Adolescent substance abuse resources in OKC - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

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Adolescent substance abuse resources in OKC

Reading Time: < 1 minute 

Substance abuse is often a tremendous burden on the whole family. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, developing brains during adolescence are more vulnerable to the temptation to use and misuse illicit substances.

If your family is dealing with substance abuse, you are not alone. There are organizations in the Oklahoma City metro and beyond ready to help your family.

  • Teen Recovery Solutions – Reclaiming teens from substance use disorders and addiction by providing a sober high school and comprehensive recovery support
  • Peaceful Family Oklahoma – Seeks to break the cycle of addiction through therapeutic play, artwork, recreation and games
  • Parents Helping Parents, Inc.rents, Inc. – Education, resources and support to parents whose children are struggling with substance use disorder
  • Evolution Foundation –  Resources , support and technical assistance to families, community coalitions, and children behavioral health service providers
  • OKDMHSAS Prevention – Evidence-base prevention programs
  • TSET – Healthy Youth Initiative – Helps younger Oklahomans learn how to live healthier lives through reduced tobacco use and improved nutrition and physical activity, with the goal of creating generational change.

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