3 Things Easter Has Taught Me About Foster Care - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

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3 Things Easter Has Taught Me About Foster Care

by Keith & Staci Howard

Reading Time: 2 minutes 

There Is Always the Desire for Something Easier

“He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” Luke 22:41-42

I love the humanity of Jesus. In the moment when the whole world hinged on what was shortly to come, he found a quiet spot and simply asked, “Can we do something else Father?” I’ve been there a few times, haven’t you? There has to be a better way to serve God than ___________________ (fill in the blank). For my wife and I it was, there must be an easier way to serve God than become foster parents. We had the rooms, the space and the love, but we put it off for years because we were always looking for another option. We’d ask the question, “There has to be a better way, right?” But, we rarely followed that question with this statement, “Not my will, but yours be done.” Jesus was both human and God. His humanity was scared. He was fearful. He was uncertain. Yet, he was willing to do what God needed. What would your life look like if while trying to find wiggle room in obedience you actually just lived out, “not my will, but yours be done.”  

The Journey Is Lonely

The followers fled, the friends hid and the disciples dispersed. In the moment that Jesus was fulfilling everything God had for his life those closest to him didn’t know what to do or how to support him. As foster parents pick up their cross and decide to open their hearts and homes to children, others don’t always receive this in a positive manner. Family members will doubt you, church friends may question you, pastors may tell you to “think about your family first.” It can be lonely. Then, there is the internal burden we put on ourselves, “I made this choice, so I cannot expect anyone to help me.” Such a lie, such a lonely lie. Easter teaches, that in the moments when we are most obedient and close to God, we may also be on the loneliest road we’ve ever walked. Easter also teaches us that even though the road may be lonely, God is walking directly beside you in your obedience

The Story Isn’t Over

Easter provides us with one of the greatest comeback stories ever written. He was dead, then he wasn’t! Wow. That is more than just the stuff of legend. That is the story of Jesus. In His darkest hour, when all hope seemed to have failed, he reminded us – the story isn’t over and then he rolled back the stone. As foster parents we need to be reminded the story isn’t over. When the past trauma and attachment issues appear to be winning – the story isn’t over. When the days are long and no one is around – the story isn’t over. When all seems destined for failure – the story isn’t over. In fact, Easter reminds us that God can write a new story, one we could have never imagined.    

Keith & Staci Howard are the fearless leaders of Howard Party of 8. For their day jobs Staci is a stay-at-home mom and Keith oversees Circle of Care's foster care program throughout Oklahoma. Learn more about them on our foster bloggers bio page.

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