Modern Art of Parenting 2022 Affilialte Agreement and Information Form
Thank you for joining us as a Modern Art of Parenting Affiliate for our 2022 Virtual Summit! We are thrilled you have decided to partner with us. By completing the form below, you are also agreeing to these terms and conditions as an affiliate of The (Modern) Art of Parenting (hereafter referred to as “Summit”). Please read and agree to the The (Modern) Art of Parenting 2022 Virtual Summit April 1-8, 2022 Affiliate Agreement by the checking the consent box below, under the contact info portion of the form.
This agreement is between The (Modern) Art of Parenting, a parenting virtual summit to be held April 1-8, 2022 as hosted by Smart Parent Media (hereafter referred to as “Summit”) and you, the affiliate (hereafter referred to as “affiliate”).
Affiliate agrees to do what he/she can to publicize the event to their audience through email, social media and other digital means using a unique-to-them link. They also acknowledge that for anyone who pays to upgrade their free registration for the Summit through their unique link, they will receive 40% of the revenue approximately one month after the close of the Summit which is April 8, 2022. Affiliate understands that all materials including text, images, and links for publicizing the Summit will be provided to them along with a suggested publicity plan.
This agreement shall be governed in accordance with Louisiana state law, may be amended only in writing, and constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with respect to its subject matter.
Smart Parent Media | 6221 S. Claiborne Ave., Suite 587, New Orleans, LA 70125